Destinations: Makkah

Makkah, in a desert valley in western Saudi Arabia, is Islam’s holiest city, as it’s the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the faith itself. Only Muslims are allowed in the city, with millions arriving for the annual Hajj (pilgrimage). Dating from the 7th century, the central Masjid al-Haram (Sacred Mosque) surrounds the Kaaba, the cloth-covered cubic structure that’s Islam’s most sacred shrine.

3 Star

A 3-star Umrah package offers budget-friendly accommodations and essential services for pilgrims visiting Mecca and Medina, providing a balance between affordability and comfort during the sacred journey.

4 Star

A 4-star Umrah package provides comfortable and upgraded accommodations, better transportation options, and more diverse meal choices, enhancing the overall pilgrimage experience with a touch of luxury.

5 Star

A 5-star Umrah package offers luxurious accommodations, top-notch transportation services, gourmet dining options, and personalized assistance, ensuring a premium and highly comfortable pilgrimage experience in Mecca and Medina.